Rules for Blooms

Blooms is a 2 player territory game that feels a little like the classical game Go, except shorter, more approachable, and a bit trippy. It was inspired by a work of computer-generated algorithmic art by the artist Ralph Turner.


  • Bloom: a bloom is an entire group of connected stones on the board of the same color. A single stone (unconnected to others of the same color) is also a bloom.
  • Fenced: a bloom is fenced when there are no empty spaces adjacent to any of the bloom’s stones.
  • Territory: a lone empty space or entire connected group of empty spaces is said to belong to a player’s territory if all stones adjacent to all empty spaces in that group belong to that player.


  1. To start, Player 1 places a stone of either of her colors on any empty space.
  2. From then on, starting with Player 2, the players take turns.
    • On your turn, you must either pass your turn, or place 1 or 2 stones on empty spaces. If you place 1 stone, it may be either of your colors. If you place 2 stones, you must place both your colors.
    • You must place your stones such that, at the end of your turn (after you’ve captured enemy blooms – see below), none of your blooms is fenced.
    • After placing your stones, capture all fenced enemy blooms. Return the captured stones to your opponent.
  3. The game ends 
    • when one player resigns.
    • or when a predetermined number of stones have been captured.
    • or when both players pass consecutively. In this case, your score is the number of stones you have on the board plus the number of spaces in your territory. The player with the highest score wins. In the event of a tie, the player who passed first in the game wins.   Note; when players have experience, most games will end in resignation.
sample board

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