Loa Tournament 2, Round 1 Results

Here are the results from the first round of the 1997-98 LOA email LOA tournament. The tournament has 28 participants, 27 humans and one robot (loa-beta). Due to the number of players, there will be two rounds; the first consisting 7 player round-robins, and the second consisting of the winners and runners-up from the first round. Places in the first round were randomized.

Here are the results from the first round.

Tournament Results

playerwinslossestiesinitial ratingfinal ratingSection

The games and commentaries

* indicates a provisional ranking. nr indicates no ranking
+ indicates section winner or runner-up, advances to round 2
I hope to comment the games again for this tournament, but some volunteer help would be greatly appreciated.
The games themselves will at least be collected into an archive for easy viewing.


CLick on the button in any game cell to open the LOA applet to that game

Round 1 Section 1
sharkey Black: whiz
White: sharkey
sharkey won

Black: petert99
White: sharkey
sharkey won

Black: ddyer
White: sharkey
sharkey won

Black: sharkey
White: dpriddy
sharkey won

Black: sharkey
White: rolle
sharkey won

Black: sharkey
White: loa-beta
sharkey won

loa-betaBlack: whiz
White: loa-beta
loa-beta won

Black: petert99
White: loa-beta
loa-beta won

Black: loa-beta
White: ddyer
ddyer won

Black: loa-beta
White: dpriddy
dpriddy won

Black: loa-beta
White: rolle
loa-beta won

rolleBlack: whiz
White: rolle
whiz won

Black: rolle
White: petert99
petert99 won

Black: rolle
White: ddyer
ddyer won

Black: rolle
White: dpriddy
dpriddy won

dpriddyBlack: dpriddy
White: whiz
dpriddy won

Black: dpriddy
White: petert99
dpriddy won

Black: dpriddy
White: ddyer
dpriddy won

ddyerBlack: ddyer
White: whiz
ddyer won

Black: ddyer
White: petert99
ddyer won

petert99Black: petert99
White: whiz
whiz won


CLick on the button in any game cell to open the LOA applet to that game

Round 1 Section 2
steveoBlack: scotty
White: steveo
scotty won

Black: taran
White: steveo
taran won

Black: tangram
White: steveo
tangram won

Black: steveo
White: charly
charly won

Black: steveo
White: elloco
elloco won

Black: steveo
White: basplund
basplund won

basplundBlack: scotty
White: basplund
scotty won

Black: taran
White: basplund
taran won

Black: basplund
White: tangram
basplund won

Black: basplund
White: charly
basplund won

Black: basplund
White: elloco
basplund won

ellocoBlack: scotty
White: elloco
scotty won

Black: elloco
White: taran
taran won

Black: elloco
White: tangram
elloco won

Black: elloco
White: charly
charley won

charlyBlack: charly
White: scotty
scotty won

Black: charly
White: taran
taran won

Black: charly
White: tangram
tangram won

tangramBlack: tangram
White: scotty
scotty won

Black: tangram
White: taran
taran won

taranBlack: taran
White: scotty
taran won



CLick on the button in any game cell to open the LOA applet to that game

Round 1 Section 3
dankBlack: mburke
White: dank
dank won

Black: deyoung
White: dank
deyoung won

Black: meikel
White: dank
meikel won

Black: dank
White: munizao
munizao won

Black: dank
White: nkeir
nkeir won

Black: dank
White: stratogems
dank won

stratogemsBlack: mburke
White: stratogems
mburke won

Black: deyoung
White: stratogems
deyoung won

Black: stratogems
White: meikel
meikel won

Black: stratogems
White: munizao
munizao won

Black: stratogems
White: nkeir
nkeir won

nkeirBlack: mburke
White: nkeir
nkeir won

Black: nkeir
White: deyoung
deyoung won

Black: nkeir
White: meikel
meikel won

Black: nkeir
White: munizao
munizao won

munizaoBlack: munizao
White: mburke
munizao won

Black: munizao
White: deyoung
minizao won

Black: munizao
White: meikel
munizao won

meikelBlack: meikel
White: mburke
meikel won

Black: meikel
White: deyoung
meikel won

deyoungBlack: deyoung
White: mburke
deyoung won



CLick on the button in any game cell to open the LOA applet to that game

Round 1 Section 4
jkassebaumBlack: ragnar
White: jkassebaum
ragnar won

Black: salohcin
White: jkassebaum
salohcin won

Black: chaz
White: jkassebaum
jkassebaum won

Black: jkassebaum
White: renee
renee won

Black: jkassebaum
White: guzzle
guzzle won

Black: jkassebaum
White: daniel-k
jkassebaum won

daniel-kBlack: ragnar
White: daniel-k
ragnar won

Black: salohcin
White: daniel-k
salohcin won

Black: daniel-k
White: chaz
chaz won

Black: daniel-k
White: renee
renee won

Black: daniel-k
White: guzzle
guzzle won

guzzleBlack: ragnar
White: guzzle
ragnar won

Black: guzzle
White: salohcin
salohcin won

Black: guzzle
White: chaz
guzzle won

Black: guzzle
White: renee
renee won

reneeBlack: renee
White: ragnar
ragnar won

Black: renee
White: salohcin
salohcin won

Black: renee
White: chaz
renee won

chazBlack: chaz
White: ragnar
ragnar won

Black: chaz
White: salohcin
salohcin won

salohcinBlack: salohcin
White: ragnar
ragnar won

Download The Games

The games are in four archives, one for each section. Use the "save as" option of your browser to save the games to your local disk.

These games can be viewed (and comments added) by the LOA applet, which you can find on the programs page