Loa Tournament status

The second and final round of the fourth Email LOA tournament is over, and the winner is, jarrausi, with a final record of 6 wins and 1 loss.  Second place goes to kerryh, who also has 6 wins and one loss; that one loss is to jarrausi.   I think is is particularly impressive that both of these players are new to the game, and were not even established in the PBEM ratings at the start of the tournament.

Summary of the final round.
Tournament Results 
player wins losses ties initial rating final rating
arth 1 6 0 1728 1635
ddyer 4 3 0 1921 1932
elloco 0 7 0 1779 1767
hthordsen 5 2 0 1971 2055
jarrausi 6 1 0 1978* 1874*
kerryh 6 1 0 1844* 1883
ragnar 4 3 0 1943 1924
tangram 2 5 0 1926 1877
The games and commentaries 
 * indicates a provisional ranking
I hope to comment the games again for this tournament, but some volunteer help would be greatly appreciated.
The games themselves will be collected into an archive for easy viewing.

Final Round, Details
elloco ragnar kerryh arth jarrausi tangram ddyer
hthordsen Black: hthordsen
White: elloco
hthordsen won

Black: hthordsen
White: ragnar
hthordsen won

Black: hthordsen
White: kerryh
kerryh won

Black: hthordsen
White: arth
hthordsen won

Black: jarrausi
White: hthordsen
jarrausi won

Black: tangram
White: hthordsen
hthordsen won

Black: ddyer
White: hthordsen
hthordsen won

ddyer Black: elloco
White: ddyer
ddyer won

Black: ragnar
White: ddyer
ddyer won

Black: kerryh
White: ddyer
kerryh won

Black: ddyer
White: arth
ddyer won

Black: ddyer
White: jarrausi
jarrausi won

Black: ddyer
White: tangram
ddyer won

tangram Black: tangram
White: elloco
tangram won

Black: ragnar
White: tangram
ragnar won

Black: tangram
White: kerryh
kerryh won

Black: tangram
White: arth
tangram won

Black: tangram
White: jarrausi
jarrausi won

jarrausi Black: elloco
White: jarrausi
jarrausi won

Black: jarrausi
White: ragnar
ragnar won

Black: jarrausi
White: kerryh
jarrausi won

Black: jarrausi
White: arth
jarrausi won

arth Black: arth
White: elloco
arth won

Black: arth
White: ragnar
ragnar won

Black: arth
White: kerryh
kerryh won

kerryh Black: kerryh
White: elloco
kerryh won

Black: kerryh
White: ragnar
kerryh won

ragnar Black: ragnar
White: elloco
ragnar won


Here are the results from the first round of the 1999-2000 LOA email LOA tournament. The tournament has 26 participants.   Due to the number of players, there will be two rounds; the first consisting 6 or 7 player round-robins, and the second consisting of the winners and runners-up from the first round. Places in the first round were randomized in groups of four, seeded by current standing in the server ratings.

There were an unusual number of forfeits and no-shows, which reduced the head counts for the sections and resulted in not everyone playing the same number of games.  There also were an unusual number of tiles which required some breaking to arbitrate the winners.
Round 1 Results
Winner (record) Runner up (record)
Section a hthordsen (4-0) elloco (2-2)
Section b jarrausi (4-0) ragnar (3-1)
Section c kerryh (5-1) tangram (5-1)
Section d ddyer (5-0) arth (3-2)
Detailed results, and game records are on the Round-1 page